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How LinkedIn can help with your Job Search?

Link Blog | December 2, 2020

LinkedIn allows you to create an online professional brand which can help open doors to opportunities and networks that you may not have been aware. LinkedIn give you the ability to showcase your profile, expertise, recommendations and connections, not only is your profile the first professional impression of you when recruiters and employers search for candidates but it also demonstrates your experience and highlights your achievements.

How can you stand out on LinkedIn and the advantages?

  • Spotlight your skills on your LinkedIn profile:

If you are a job seeker, a good first step is to think about what skills you have based on previous jobs. The skills you possess can make all the difference when it comes to being considered for a job. Be sure to highlight all of your skills on your profile to help round out your capabilities to recruiters. For example, if you have experience in marketing, you may include skills like communication or leadership as well as skills like data analysis.

  • LinkedIn has a great job board:

New opportunities throughout the LinkedIn site that may not exist on traditional job boards. You can directly apply for roles using LinkedIn apply, save job searches as well as flagging to recruiters that you are open to hearing about opportunities. Head over to our LinkedIn page now to see what job vacancies we currently have available.

  • You can gain social proof for your skills and talents:

Let others recommend and endorse you for your skills and past work. When other recommend or endorse you, anyone who sees your profile can see these and it shows you have other experts backing up your claims to have certain skills. This is very powerful in making connections.

LinkedIn is another tool that you can use to help get ahead when searching for a new job. It is important to optimise your profile and proactively use LinkedIn in order to ensure you are sourcing opportunities effectively.

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